Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yeah, that's right-risky with a capital E :) Ok, a bit of a stretch...but after another round of LT intervals yesterday, I was looking forward to a 'just for fun' mountain bike ride today. So, I headed to Betasso, one of the only trails in Boulder County that I can ride my bike to in less than an hour...minus the South Boulder trails that I ride on a daily basis as part of my commute to work. This "Caution" sign is posted at the base of the Link trail...which I think is a little odd. Mainly because if you're reading that sign, you're on your way UP the trail which is hardly dangerous. Nevertheless, it makes one feel rather heroic for even attempting to ride the trail. I ride this trail on a regular basis and relish the technical challenge it presents. True to the sign, it is very steep and loose with lots of technical riddles crammed in. I use it as a benchmark for assessing my skillzz. I am happy to report that I came very close to clearing the whole trail on the way up. I wasn't able to conquer a particularly steep and rocky section that admittedly bests me more often than not. I think I've only been able to clear this trail a handful of times and only under perfect conditions. So, I'm ok and even happy with my 'near triumph'. Here's a shot of the section in question as I'm heading back down the's gnarly, but in a good way.

Here I am, getting ready to Rock that Casbah!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Phoenix, take two

After coming home from Phoenix, I un-packed, then re-packed, and then went back to Phoenix. This time for work. We were going to the BNI hospital to observe some cranial surgeries to help us with the design of our new product. Let me just say, it was a very traumatic experience. The surgeries went great, we learned a ton, and I was very excited to see several procedures that I had never seen before. No, the traumatic part was flying. Generally, I handle flying pretty well. The worst part for me is the security check where I inevitably get really anxious that they're going to find some illegal substance that someone secretly stashed in my bags (think Bridget Jones). Fortunately, that hasn't happened to me yet, but the possibility still remains in my mind. This time we flew Southwest. I've never flown Southwest. You don't have assigned seats when you fly Southwest. You get assigned a number and based on how high your number is, that's when you get to board the plane and scramble to find a seat AND a spot for your carry-on. I was not prepared for this. I was lucky to find a seat, but I had to move some stuff in order to stuff my carry-on in the overhead compartment. Appearantly, the lady across the aisle from me wasn't a fan of the way I "threw a bunch of pillows out" to make room for my bag. I was rushed and nervous! I will never fly Southwest again.

Friday, February 13, 2009


So, we're back from my cousin's wedding. We had a blast! It was great to see our family and have such an occasion to celebrate. Owen's wedding and his bride were both beautiful, and so was Phoenix actually. I've been waiting in order to have some pictures to post, but that was probably unnecessary because I'm fairly certain that the only people who read my blog were actually at the wedding. Oh well. Here's one of Ari and I and me and Devyn (R.N.). Then a shot of the whole clan with the bride and groom. Sorry about the picture size discrepency, I'll try and fix them later.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Beautiful Morning...

la, la, la! This morning I got up early, bundled up, and hopped on my mtn bike for some more LT intervals. This is a shot from the Marshall Mesa trailhead facing east, documenting that the sun wasn't up yet.

Here's a shot from the Dowdy Draw trail facing west, documenting how beautiful the flatirons are in the morning sun.

After my ride, Ari and I got in the car and drove to the airport. We spent the weekend in Scottsdale celebrating my cousin Owen's wedding. We had so much fun and it was a perfect ceremony. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family, we always have way too much fun together!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back off Ladies!

This one's taken! It was hard work finding a guy who puts safety first AND does the dishes!!!

Actually, Ari had just got new headphones for his ski helmet and was trying them out. I'm glad I captured the moment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To top off the weekend...

Here I am halfway through my ride on Sunday. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I was loving being on my mountain bike. Too bad this picture doesn't portray that, but rather I look like I just had some dental work done and can't feel my face... oh well, I never claimed to be a good photographer or photogenic.
This piece of beauty is the view from the bottom of the Heil Ranch trail-which, unfortunately, is about as far as I got after riding to the trailhead from my house. After about 20 minutes of sweet single-track, I had to head back home....
so that I could meet up with these two cuties for a quick hike.