Monday, February 16, 2009

Phoenix, take two

After coming home from Phoenix, I un-packed, then re-packed, and then went back to Phoenix. This time for work. We were going to the BNI hospital to observe some cranial surgeries to help us with the design of our new product. Let me just say, it was a very traumatic experience. The surgeries went great, we learned a ton, and I was very excited to see several procedures that I had never seen before. No, the traumatic part was flying. Generally, I handle flying pretty well. The worst part for me is the security check where I inevitably get really anxious that they're going to find some illegal substance that someone secretly stashed in my bags (think Bridget Jones). Fortunately, that hasn't happened to me yet, but the possibility still remains in my mind. This time we flew Southwest. I've never flown Southwest. You don't have assigned seats when you fly Southwest. You get assigned a number and based on how high your number is, that's when you get to board the plane and scramble to find a seat AND a spot for your carry-on. I was not prepared for this. I was lucky to find a seat, but I had to move some stuff in order to stuff my carry-on in the overhead compartment. Appearantly, the lady across the aisle from me wasn't a fan of the way I "threw a bunch of pillows out" to make room for my bag. I was rushed and nervous! I will never fly Southwest again.

1 comment:

Terri Huck said...

What is your mileage per week on mtnbike.....UT wants to know!