Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yeah, that's right-risky with a capital E :) Ok, a bit of a stretch...but after another round of LT intervals yesterday, I was looking forward to a 'just for fun' mountain bike ride today. So, I headed to Betasso, one of the only trails in Boulder County that I can ride my bike to in less than an hour...minus the South Boulder trails that I ride on a daily basis as part of my commute to work. This "Caution" sign is posted at the base of the Link trail...which I think is a little odd. Mainly because if you're reading that sign, you're on your way UP the trail which is hardly dangerous. Nevertheless, it makes one feel rather heroic for even attempting to ride the trail. I ride this trail on a regular basis and relish the technical challenge it presents. True to the sign, it is very steep and loose with lots of technical riddles crammed in. I use it as a benchmark for assessing my skillzz. I am happy to report that I came very close to clearing the whole trail on the way up. I wasn't able to conquer a particularly steep and rocky section that admittedly bests me more often than not. I think I've only been able to clear this trail a handful of times and only under perfect conditions. So, I'm ok and even happy with my 'near triumph'. Here's a shot of the section in question as I'm heading back down the's gnarly, but in a good way.

Here I am, getting ready to Rock that Casbah!

1 comment:

Terri Huck said...

I love all your pictures. Add the one from Sunday...or not! I wrote down your race scchedule and we will try to make it to as many as possible. You know how well we handle the feed station job!