Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time Trial

Today was supposed to be a Time Trial test. Every year for the past three years since I've been coached by Ann Trombley of TrailMaster coaching, I've done a time trial test along 36 from Boulder to Lyons in order to get a benchmark for the rest of the season. I'm supposed to go as hard as I can and then Ann is able to deduce what my Lactic Threshold power and heart rate is based on the Power Tap file I send her after the test.
This morning's ride started off fine. I warmed up for an hour, did a few sprints to wake the legs up, and then went for it. The first half was fine...the second half truly sucked. Here are my excuses for a less than stellar performance:

  • It was windy
  • I didn't have the proper gearing and spun out on the downhill sections
  • I met up with a schmuck who refused to get passed by a girl and messed up my "flow" (I'm being sarcastic, but it was kind of annoying because I was breathing too hard to explain what I was trying to accomplish)
  • About 3/4 in I realized my legs, correct that, LEG was shot-I've been having some knee issues with my left leg and must've been compensating because my right leg was totally worked over and cramping from doing more than it's fair share of the work.

I think that's enough excuses to cover me... :) Anyway, the test is over with and even though I have a lot of excuses, I still went as hard as I could and am happy about that.
After this wonderful effort, I started to really suffer from an excruciating headache and some severe nausea. Has this happened to anyone before? I'm trying to figure out if this is what happens when you go hard for the first time in many months...or if it was the blueberry Clif Bar I scarfed, or if I didn't have enough coffee this morning?

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