Thursday, January 1, 2009

Worst Ride of the Year

Today as I was getting ready for my ride, I commented to Ari that "It's days like these where I am so excited to ride my bike!" It was a balmy 50 degrees out, I was recovering from my cold and feeling good, and I was going to go for a beautiful ride on my road bike. HAH! The Powers That Be looked down on me in my naieve excitement and smirked. It was a bit breezy as I was merrily rolling along, so I thought to myself "head east, it will be calmer"! So I went east, and it got windier. So, I said to myself "head north, it'll be better there"! So, I went north, and the Powers That Be laughed out loud. I was heading west on Nelson watching a 200+lb man swerving on his bike in front of me because the wind was blowing so hard he was having a hard time staying upright and going was really, really windy. And I was really, really grumpy and miserable...and scared. I just really hate the wind. Give me cold, give me heat, give me rain, just not WIND!!
To make myself feel better, I decided that today's ride was the Worst Ride of the Year because, as my friends and family know, I like to focus on the negative. But really, if today really was the Worst Ride of the Year-then that's not too bad I guess. So, really I'm being optimistic!!

1 comment:

Terri Huck said...

Wow, I can't believe you were riding in that awful wind yesterday! I thought our house was going to blow over...don't know how you did it. Please be careful (I am allowed to say that..I'm your mom!)
I am impressed with your blog! More pictures!