Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yeah, that's me-I am Hardcore. What does it take to be officially considered Hardcore you ask? Well, there are several different ways one can get this prestigious classification. One of which is to go so hard you puke. Which, unfortunately, is a badge that I earned yesterday on a rather intense ride with my coach, Ann Trombley. Long story short, we spent over four hours on mountain bikes ascending then descending dirt roads with some fun LT/VO2 intervals thrown in. For the first half of the ride I was all right and was really excited to experience a new fun little single-track section. Here's a pic of Ann (2000 Olympian) trying to show me how to corner. It's a little blurry because she's going so fast!!
Here's me trying it. Not nearly as fast or graceful. That's all right, I prove my Hardcoreness later in the ride.
Anyway, we make it through the intervals (barely, they were tough!!) and we stop at a little bakery/convenience store in Gold Hill. I have an intense headache so I buy some Advil. We go outside, Ann is talking to me, I'm not feeling well, and the next thing I know I'm losing the contents of my stomach. Turns out the altitude, the efforts, too much water and not enough electrolytes are a nasty combination.

But, I got home safe and sound and Ari and I took advantage of the super warm weather and took Tucker swimming. Turns out Angels love the water ;)

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