Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm a Survivor

I've been trying to suppliment my riding playlist with more interval friendly music. Interval friendly music must have a good, solid, and fast beat with minimal melody and lots of simple and rythmic lyrics ...i.e. rap and/or hip-hop (or whatever kids call it these days). Needless to say, I needed help finding some appropriate songs. Ari was only too happy to oblige.
So, now I'm jamming away to Lil Wayne, T.I., Beyonce, and of course my favorite, Outkast. One song that I've got stuck in my head (which is not on Ari's approved playlist BTW), is Survivor by Destiny's Child...
On yesterday's ride, it came in handy......

For a bit of a change and since I had a longer ride to get in, I headed to Betasso for some fun. I am very happy to report that I succesfully cleared the full Link trail!! Yeah!! I may have done a mini air-fist-pump I was so excited. I also may have said to myself "That's right, Erin, you truly ARE Hardcore! You must've puked out all the wussiness". So, I'm cruising through the loop on top really feeling good about myself when I encounter a very cute dog walking his owners. This dog looked like a cross between an Australian Sheperd and a small mop-very fluffy and low to the ground. As I approach the man is trying to wrestle the dog off the trail, but the dog seems like he really wants to say hello to me and will not budge. Since I can't safely ride around, I unclip and am bending down to say hello to this wagging little buddy when he promptly chomps down on my leg. WTF!?! Needless to say I'm pretty upset. I pull up my tight and check for blood. Fortunately, there isn't any and the owners apologetically go on their way. I get back on the bike and try to pedal, but my leg is throbbing. I spend a few minutes wallowing in self-pity contemplating heading home because surely this creature has caused some sort of hairline fracture to my shin. But then, Survivor comes on my playlist...and then I remember that I am Hardcore, "Erin, you are a Survivor. You just need to get some adrenaline pumping and that will take the pain away."
This actually worked and I was able to tough out the rest of the ride :) Today I have some nice bruises in an impressive bite-pattern.

1 comment:

Terri Huck said...

How is your injured leg after this vicious dog attack?? Just wondering...